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SOE Distinguished Professor Dr. Vivian Vasquez

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A Distinguished Professor

American University promotes SOE's Dr. Vivian Vasquez to Distinguished Professor
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Nana Boakye Yiadom and the first cohort of students at Stand Together Ghana

Education ·

AU Econ PhD Student Creates Foundation to Support Ghanaian Students

Nana Boakye Yiadom fulfilling his dream to help students in Ghana stay in school and succeed against great odds
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Portrait of Dr. Kenjus Watson

Education ·

Meet Dr. Kenjus Watson

Dr. Watson's research areas of specialization have rendered him a popular addition to SOE's faculty.
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De Luca (fifth from right) and Crawford (seventh from right) in front of Senso-ji Temple in Tokyo.

Education ·

Students in the International Training and Education Master's Program Travel to Japan

Sponsored by Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, researchers and students are exposed to Japan’s society and culture.
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Jacket cover of Tip of the Spear

Social Sciences ·

‘An Epochal Act of Abolitionist Worldmaking’: New Book Recounts Attica Uprising

Prof. Orisanmi Burton's research extends the story of Attica and highlights its role in today's prison abolition movement.
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New Faculty and Staff Spring 2024

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School of Education's New Faculty and Staff in Spring 2024

The SOE Community Continues to Expand.
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SOE Fall '23 Graduates Entering Ceremony

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The Fall 2023 Commencement at the School of Education

Celebrating SOE's EdD and Masters Degree Graduates!
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Person on top of a mountain.

Social Sciences ·

Resolve to Set Better Goals

AU Psychology professor Brian Yates shares tips on how to reach goals and change habits.
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Some of the Dual Enrollment Students from 2023-24

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Dual Enrollment Program Celebrates Its Fifth Year at AU

The program is the first offering from SOE’s Teacher Pipeline Project.
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Luis Paredes BA '27

Education ·

Northrop Grumman Foundation Scholarship Recipient Announced

Luis Paredes Alvizurez received a full scholarship to become a math teacher.
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