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Q & A with Sharon Metcalf By Iris Krasnow, American University Emerita

Sharon Metcalf

Sharon Metcalf began her career at American University in the fall of 2008. I interviewed Sharon, the Senior Director Strategic Partnerships & Programs, at the School of Communication in early February, as she was cleaning out her office and preparing for retirement, ā€œdeep in the middle of transition,ā€Ā as she put it.

Sharon, an avid outdoors woman, shared her plans leading up to the decision to leave a job she loves for a future that still includes spending time at AU but also consists ofĀ hiking, skiing, kayaking and hitting the trails by foot and on horseback on a regular basis.

Iris: How did you plan for your retirement, and choose now as the time to retire?

Sharon: Iā€™ve loved working at AU since 2008 and thoroughly immersed myself in the campus community during the past 12 years. So, it wasnā€™t an easy decision to leave. But I began thinking about retiring a couple of years ago as I watched others successfully take the leap and have time to pursue new interests outside of work. Financially, I decided to wait until I turned 70 and qualified for full social security. When I reached that benchmark around the end of 2019, it felt like the time was right.

±õ°ł¾±²õ:ĢżWhat was it like to share with friends and colleagues that you have decided to move on to the new chapter?

Sharon: It wasnā€™t easy because my colleagues are also my friends. I miss seeing and working with them on day-to-day projects, but I will continue to socialize with them outside of work. Over the past year, weā€™ve laid the groundwork to make my departure a smooth transition. Others have assumed various roles to continue the Deanā€™s Intern Program, lead AUā€™s Films Across Borders series, and manage external and internal strategic partnerships.

Iris:Ā How do you feel about leaving a full-time post?

Sharon: Itā€™s been harder than I thought becauseĀ Iā€™ve enjoyed being able to spearhead ideas that bring recognition to AU and allowed me to work with high-profile partners from around city (i.e., National Geographic, NPR, Washington Post, NBC, AFI, etc). I wonder if I can still be a player and make a difference without a title and a role that represents institutional resources. Iā€™ll miss welcoming SOCā€™s new Dean, helping faculty create events around critical issues in the news, and collaborating with colleagues across campus to tap into their expertise on any given topic.

Iris:Ā What hobbies and new opportunities do you plan to explore?

Sharon:Ā Iā€™m really looking forward to spending more time outdoors in all seasons and to resurrecting old friendships. Iā€™m about to drive up to Canada to ice skate and cross-country ski with friends as part of their Winterlude festival in Ottawa. After that, snow permitting, Iā€™ll take the time to leisurely drive back through New England, ski at Trapp Family Lodge in Vermont, and visit former colleagues along the way. Itā€™s incredibly liberating to freely make these kinds of open-ended travel plans without work constraints. First time ever for me.

Iris: How do you plan on staying connected to the AU community?

Sharon: I plan to stay connected in a myriad of ways. Iā€™ve been an advisor and mentor to AUā€™s Beekeeping Society, so Iā€™ll be back to help tend our campus hive on MGCā€™s green roof. Come spring, Iā€™ll join in for Campus Beautification Day to plant more pollinator-friendly flowers and spiff-up AUā€™s gardens in preparation for Earth Day. As a former nutritional consultant, Andie Rowe has asked me to present a smoothie-making demonstration for AhealthyU that is scheduled for February 19 in the Spring Valley Building. And I look forward to attending campus events and forums ā€˜just as a guestā€™ without the stress of scheduling panelists or making opening remarks.

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